Category: UnpublishedPage 1 of 2
Where is Spring?!? It’s still snowing… (2021)
Winter 2020/2021 (2021)
Experiment (2020)
How to write Japanese letters “Hiragana あ行” (2020) This is my personal project and experiment. I’m teaching myself to make animations. It’s still far from the professional level,…
Tourist spots in Japan Hokkaido – 札幌市時計台 Sapporo Clock TowerMiyagi – 伊達政宗騎馬像 The statue of Masamune DateTokyo – 東京タワー Tokyo towerAichi – 名古屋城 Nagoya castleKyoto – 金閣寺(鹿苑寺) Kinkaku-jiHiroshima…
Våffeldagen 2020 Waffle Day 2020 in Sweden was on 25 March.
Semla is a traditional sweet roll, which is one of my favorite Swedish sweets.Fettisdagen (Shrove Tuesday) in 2020 was 25 Feb.
Båten (2019) Clip Studioでアニメーションを初めて作ってみました。まだまだ稚拙な出来ですが、とにかく楽しい作業でした!もっと頑張ります!
Sundbybergに引っ越しました!We’ve moved to Sundbyberg! (2019)
Octopus Park タコ公園 (2018) ↓↓↓ click and zoom in ↓↓↓
ABBA (→Wikipedia)
L : John McEnroe (USA) / R : Björn Borg (→Wikipedia)
Pippi Långstrump (→Wikipedia)
Sweden (2018)
Japan (2018)
Swedish Alphabets
Please please stop by!! @Galleri Lyktan (
Världsbokdagen /世界図書著作権デー /子ども読書の日 /こどもの読書週間 (2018)
Lovely old men (2018)
Glad påsk (2018)
Wildman (2018)
Cute kids at a nursery school
Japanese junior high school girls after school
Many people eat semlor in Sweden on Fettisdagen (Shrove Tuesday) 🙂
I fixed my old gif animation. It is just for fun!
Cinnamon Bun Day is celebrated on October 4
Swedish style breakfast